Attending ICD-10 Training For Which You Have Registered

Registration has been full for all of the NCTracks ICD-10 provider training held to date, but only an average of 77 people have attended each class. That means there are an average of 38 additional people who could have attended each training session, if the slots were available in SkillPort.

If you have registered for ICD-10 provider training, please make every effort to attend. If you are unable to attend, please log on to the secure provider portal and "Withdraw" from the class. This will open up the slot in SkillPort. If there is someone waitlisted, they will receive an email notifying them that they can now register for the class.

Also, if you have more than one person from the same provider office attending the ICD-10 training, please consider registering only one person and having everyone attend together from a conference room with a speaker phone.

Lastly, remember that there is a 14-minute recorded CBT session of the ICD-10 training available in SkillPort that can be viewed at any time.

Thank you for your support in helping us make the ICD-10 training available to as many providers as possible.

For a current list of available sessions, see the September 9 announcement.