Reminder - Updating North Carolina Medical Board Licenses

NCTracks receives North Carolina Medical Board (NCMB) provider license information directly from NCMB. NCTracks receives this update file from NCMB once a month (by the 15th) for the previous month.

When the monthly NCMB file is received, NCTracks automatically updates the expiration dates in the provider record. If you receive a letter that you need to update your NCMB license, make sure it is updated with NCMB and that NCTracks has the correct license number on file.

Occasionally, there is time gap between NCTracks receiving NCMB data with updated expiration dates and providers’ licenses expiring and an update being required to prevent suspension.

As of May 9, 2021, providers have the ability to enter or correct the expiration date on file for their NCMB license if NCTracks has not yet received the NCMB data to update the license. Providers are able to enter the expiration date themselves to prevent suspension or termination due to expired credentials. This information will still be validated with NCMB once the file is received, but will prevent suspension for expired credentials if the NCMB file is not received in the appropriate timeline for license expiration. Providers are encouraged to ensure their record expiration date is updated to prevent suspension. 

For more information, please see the North Carolina Medical Board Licenses section of the user guide How to Add or Update Licensing and Accreditation on the Provider Profile in NCTracks located on the User Guides & Fact Sheets page.