Accounts Receivable Process FAQs
This list reflects answers to frequently asked questions regarding the Accounts Receivable process in effect beginning May 1, 2016.
1. Can we change who receives the First Demand letter?
No, that is not an option.
2. Who receives the 30 day/60 day notices? Do other entities sharing the same Tax Identification Number (TIN) receive a letter?
The NPI for which the Accounts Receivable (AR) was established will receive the 30 day/ 60 day notice of past due funds.
3. What is the title of the initial letter being sent?
The letter “Notice of Balance Due to NC DHHS-First Demand” informs providers of the amount owed and provides instruction on how to satisfy the debt.
4. How often will providers be sent these letters?
The First Demand letter will be sent each time that a new AR is established for a provider.
5. What is the title of the past due letters?
’30 Days Past Due Letter’ and ’60 Days Past Due Letter’
6. Does the letter include amounts from all payers?
No, a separate First Demand letter will be sent for each payer that is owed money.
7. Can payment be made before recoupments occur?
Yes. Please follow the repayment instructions in the demand letter and allow two business days for your repayment to be posted. If your payment cannot be posted before the next checkwrite commences, NCTracks may proceed to collect the AR from the checkwrite funds. In these instances your refund will be used for any other outstanding receivable for your organization, and the remaining cash will be refunded to you.
8. How do we make out a check (address, NPIs listed, etc.)?
There is a different address for each payer, so please refer to the directions in your demand letter.
One payment per NPI/AR must be mailed to the specific address listed in the letter (payments can not be made together by including multiple NPI payments in one check—one check per AR/per NPI only). NC DHHS uses different lockbox addresses for each of its payers.
Any deviation from the instructions in the demand letters could delay the posting of your repayments.
9. How do you know which AR we are paying off?
Please include a copy of your demand letter (or the Receivable Page from your remittance advice (RA) with your check for proper posting of the payment.
10. I received a letter stating that I owed money but I will not have enough funds on this checkwrite to cover the amount owed. How will the remaining amount owed be reconciled? Will funds be taken over multiple checkwrites or all in one?
If you still owe funds after this checkwrite, the system will attempt to collect any remaining balance in subsequent checkwrites. For example, if you should owe $500 after this week’s checkwrite—in the next checkwrite the system will try to recoup the $500—it will continue to attempt full recoupment each checkwrite until all of the funds are recovered. This may take multiple checkwrite cycles depending on the size of the original AR generated or whether a direct repayment is mailed.
11. How are the letters being sent?
The letters will be sent via USPS mail.
12. How can I determine the relation to an Accounts Receivable balance looking at the RA?
There is a separate section in the RA for ARs/FCNs.
This is located in the “Accounts Receivable” Section of the RA, which is found before the Summary Page.
13. Will all NPIs under the same TIN be subject to recoupment?
14. My RA shows the system took funds this checkwrite for a receivable I don't recognize. How can I determine which NPI caused my funds to be taken?
All providers sharing one TIN receive a copy of the original overpayment demand letter, containing the NPI of the provider who incurred the overpayment. Your organization’s CEO also received this letter, and your finance team can work with the related providers to reconcile the internal accounting.
15. Is there a way we can determine if our company is subject to another's debt?
Your CEO will receive the original notice that funds are due back to NC DHHS payer. All other providers sharing the same TIN also receive a copy of this first notice.
16. The practice is no longer open, do I still have to pay?
Yes, the provider will need to follow the directions provided in the letter. An overpayment is due immediately to a NC DHHS payer and the past due debt is subject to be turned over to the NC Attorney General or a debt collection agency per the 60 Days Past Due Letter.
17. We are suspended due to our sister company having an AR balance, how do we become active again?
Pay the balance due in full – and remember to include any penalty and interest associated with that overdue balance.
18. I never received a notice letter. Can these letters be re-sent?
A request must be made through a Customer Service Agent, who will gather specifics for your request and forward to the fiscal agent’s Finance group. That team will reach out to the provider to determine where to resend the letter. Please note – the Provider Message Center is not an option to retransmit the letter.
19. We did not receive letter, and now my Health plan is suspended due to an undeliverable address.
The provider must submit a Manage Change Request to correct the bad address. Once complete, the letter copy is obtained as outlined with FAQ #22.
20. Based on the letter I received, my TIN is not correct. How do I update it? Do I still owe?
You would need to submit the following proof of change by e-mail, fax, or mail:
- Letter on letterhead requesting the change signed by the authorized individual
- Copy of IRS letter verifying the provider’s actual TIN
Fax: 855.710.1965
Mail: CSRA, Provider EVC Unit, P.O Box 300020, Raleigh, NC 27622-8020Do I still owe? Yes. Claims are paid based off of the associated NPI and not the TIN on file.
21. If a doctor no longer works with our company does our organization owe? What should be done with the demand letter if my company no longer employs the rendering provider?
Yes. The company received the funds for services rendered by the physician – the company must now pay back the AR. The company should pay the debt due or allow the checkwrite process to collect the funds.
22. I have a small outstanding AR balance for NC Health Choice, but the system is still paying my Medicaid claims to me each week. Why wasn't this AR collected from the Medicaid funds?
NC DHHS requires separation of the Medicaid and NC Health Choice funds. The Health Choice AR will be collected only from future payable Health Choice claims, or the provider can mail a repayment following the instructions in the demand letters. When claim activity is low for a payer, the provider can avoid interest charges by paying the receivable off directly before the first thirty days elapse on the outstanding AR.
23. Now that NCTracks commences collection on new ARs the subsequent checkwrite, will I still be at risk for penalty and interest?
As stated on the demand letters, penalty and interest charges are assessed once the debt is outstanding beyond 30 days. To avoid these additional charges, please monitor the outstanding receivable balances each checkwrite to ensure the systematic collections will be successful within the first 30 days, or timely mail a repayment.