PS&R Report FAQs
This list reflects answers to frequently asked questions regarding the Provider Statistical and Reimbursement (PS&R) reports.
1. What if an NPI for which we need a PS&R report is no longer part of our organization?
As long as the NPI was part of the requesting organization for the service dates specified, the PS&R report can be generated.
2. Who is authorized to request a PS&R report?
The requestor must be the Office Administrator or Managing Employee of the NPI for which the PS&R report is being requested.
3. Each request for a PS&R report must be submitted on a separate form, but do I have to send separate checks?
No. You can send one check for multiple forms.
4. What if I need a PS&R report that spans more than 12 months?
Then you would need to request and pay for two reports to cover the time span needed.
5. Can I use the form to request Medicaid reports?
6. Can I use the old form?
The previous PS&R Report Request Form can still be used to request Medicaid PS&R reports, but it is recommended that the new form be used for all PS&R report requests from now on.