Reminder - Taxonomy Codes Required on Medicare Crossover Claims

An important reminder to providers - taxonomy codes are required on crossover claims submitted to NCTracks, even if they are not required by the Medicare intermediary. Medicare intermediaries will include taxonomy codes in crossover claims to NCTracks if the information is sent on the Medicare claim. The taxonomy codes used on Medicare crossover claims should reflect what is on the provider's record in NCTracks. Claims will be denied in NCTracks if the proper taxonomy code is not captured and the claim will not receive Medicaid reimbursement.

Providers who have had Medicare crossover claims denied because they were not coded with the proper taxonomy codes will need to correct and resubmit the claims to NCTracks with the Medicare payment information included on the claims.

Providers who are uncertain what taxonomy codes to use are encouraged to view the user guide "How to View and Update Taxonomy" (see link below) and verify their taxonomy codes using the the NCTracks Status & Management page in the secure provider portal.