Attention: Dental and Orthodontic Providers Uploading X-Rays and Photographs with PA Request in NCTracks

Reminder for dental and orthodontic providers: NC Tracks does have the capability for x-rays and photographs to be uploaded with your prior approval (PA) request.

CSC encourages providers to upload their documentation with their prior approval request. This allows for quicker processing of the prior approval request. (NOTE: if your software does not allow for the recipient name and date of service for the image to be displayed on the file, please add this information in the “Documentation of Medical Necessity� field on the Detail Information tab of the Prior Approval Request in the provider portal).

If a prior approval request is placed in a “Pend Al 1� status, requesting additional information, providers may also upload additional documentation to that existing prior approval request.

Please do not upload additional documentation to a prior approval that has been denied.

There is a provider user guide available on the portal with instructions on how submit dental and orthodontic prior approvals. Please use the link below to access these instructions.