Attention: Hearing Aid Providers Enhancements to Hearing Aid PA Requests

Effective November 1, 2015, there will be several enhancements to the NCTracks Provider Portal entry of Prior Approval (PA) requests for Hearing Aid services. Among the enhancements, there will be fields that were previously optional that will be required going forth.

The specific changes include:

1. In the Hearing Aid Service section, the requested service will be a required field. If the PA request is not for a new hearing aid, hearing aid replacement or hearing aid repair, ‘Other’ should be selected for the requested service.

2. When New Hearing Aid is selected in the Hearing Aid Service section, all fields for manufacturer details and cost will be required – Manufacturer, Name/Model #, Invoice Cost, Type and Style. Previously, only the Invoice Cost and Style were required fields. Medical clearance, audiogram, and evaluation will still be required for new hearing aids.

3. When Hearing Aid Replacement is selected, all fields related to manufacturer details and cost will be required. (These are the same fields required for a new hearing aid.) Previously, the user did not need to enter any additional data for this selection.

4. When Hearing Aid Repair is selected, the data fields of Invoice Cost, Description and Documentation of Medical Necessity will be required. Previously, the user did not need to enter any additional data for this selection.

5. The question ‘Has patient previously been provided with this service?’ will be required and will not have a default response. The previous default answer was ‘no.’

6. A new text field at the bottom of the Hearing Aid Service section labeled ‘Notes to Prior Approval Reviewer’ has been added.

In addition, there will be more selections in the drop down fields during PA entry and the selections have been updated to more accurately describe the services available. The list of options for hearing aid service type has been modified to provide more specific information regarding repair versus replacement, laterality (right, left, or both), and warranty versus non-warranty.

A Job Aid regarding these enhancements is available in the Reference Documents folder of SkillPort, the NCTracks Learning Management System, and also on the Provider User Guides and Training page of the Provider Portal. Providers are encouraged to review this document and become familiar with the changes in the hearing aid prior approval entry screens.