A Message from NCTracks on Behalf of NC Medicaid Extension of School Immunization and Health Assessment Requirements

To ensure that children are not excluded from school because of increased demands on health care providers amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Roy Cooper issued a new Executive Order and State Health Director Dr. Elizabeth Tilson issued a State Health Director Memo that suspends, but does not waive, documentation deadlines for proof-of-immunization and health assessment requirements for school and child-care facilities.  

The Executive Order is needed because increased case rates and viral transmission caused by the Delta variant have limited providers’ ability to schedule immunization and health assessment visits. According to the North Carolina Pediatric Society, pediatricians are experiencing record levels of demand for sick visits due to viral illnesses. 

In typical years, proof of required immunizations and health assessments are required within 30 days of the first date of attendance of school. After the 30 days, children are to be excluded from school until the family provides documentation of requirements. This year, the 30-day "grace period" for all students will begin on Nov. 1, 2021. Extending these deadlines by will allow more time for families, schools and providers to facilitate access to needed immunizations and health assessments.  

Families are required to provide the school or child care facility proof of an upcoming appointment (which could include a written statement from a parent or guardian) by Oct. 8, 2021, and are strongly encouraged to obtain the required immunizations for their children on a timely basis.  

The Executive Order and State Health Director Memo will apply to students enrolled in public, private, or religious educational institutions, including child care facilities and K-12 schools. The Order also extends the deadline for each child entering a North Carolina public school for the first time to submit proof of a health assessment with that proof of an upcoming appointment. 

Whether children are home-schooled, attend school in-person or by remote learning, they are required by state law to be immunized based on their age for certain vaccinations as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). More information on North Carolina’s requirements for vaccines can be found on the NCDHHS website.