Updates to NCTracks Re-credentialing/Re-verification and Enrollment Due to COVID-19

Updates have been made to the NCTracks re-verification/re-credentialing and enrollment process to allow flexibilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requires that all Medicaid providers are re-credentialed. The Division of Health Benefits (DHB) must ensure enrolled providers are compliant with this via the re-verification application process. While due dates for re-verification are specific to each provider, all re-verification deadlines are currently suspended until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

In addition, effective Jan. 9, 2022, NCTracks no longer requires Medicaid and NC Health Choice providers to pay the $100 NC application fee with enrollment and re-verification applications, pursuant to NC Senate Bill 105 Session Law 2021-180 Section 9D.9(a), which waives the fee until June 30, 2023.

Providers are encouraged to check the Provider Announcements on the Providers page and watch their email for future updates regarding COVID-19 flexibilities.