Guidance for Providers Applying with New DEA Licenses

It has come to the attention of NCTracks that some providers completing an application with a new DEA license are unable to complete their application because NCTracks has not yet received the DEA file update (containing new DEA licenses) to match to their application. Because the file update has not yet been made, when the provider attempts to enter their new DEA license number, they receive an error message from NCTracks. While NCTracks receives this file monthly, it is possible that if a provider’s number was not issued before the cutoff date, the new license may not appear in this list until a later date.

Providers with new DEA licenses should wait to submit their application with the DEA license information until NCTracks receives the information on the DEA file the next month. Providers may check to see if their license information has populated by trying to enter their DEA license number on an application the first week of the following month, when the DEA license file update has usually been received. Thank you for your patience and understanding. More updates will be provided as available.