Relief for Providers with EFT Issues

Providers whose claims are pended due solely to missing bank account information will be mailed checks in the next checkwrite. Checks will be printed and mailed to about 1,100 providers beginning Wednesday, July 31.

The paper checks are an exception to electronic funds transfer (EFT), which is a state and federal requirement of Medicaid participation. DHHS received permission from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on Wednesday, July 25, for a one-time waiver. DHHS sought the exception to relieve 1,119 providers who have not been paid this month and have only lack of a bank account number preventing payment of their claims. Providers with other enrollment or claims issues besides EFT must resolve them before receiving payment.

To avoid missing future payments, providers who have no EFT account on file with NCTracks should immediately submit it. You can do so online at From the Home page, click the Providers tab, then click the Currently Enrolled Provider (CEP) Registration link on the left. Or call 1-800-688-6696 for in-person assistance. Changes will take a minimum of four business days to process.

Incomplete EFT data, along with taxonomy issues, are the top two reasons for providers not to be paid in NCTracks. DHHS and CSC have proactively reached out to hundreds of providers to assist them with completing the EFT process. A more concentrated EFT outreach campaign will launch next week.