Attention: NCTracks Trading Partners Preventing an ICD-10 Error - Using the X12 List of ICD Qualifiers

One of the common errors that has been observed in ICD-10 provider and trading partner testing involves submitting X12 837 transactions with the wrong ICD qualifier. Beginning October 1, 2015, every 837 transaction submitted to NCTracks must include one or more ICD qualifiers that indicate whether the claim is using ICD-9 or ICD-10 codes.
A single claim may include either ICD-9 codes or ICD-10 codes, depending on the dates of service, but not both. A batch may include both ICD-9 and ICD-10 claims.
Errors observed in testing, which result in the rejection of the transaction, include:
- Claims did not contain any ICD qualifier
- Claims contained an ICD-9 code with an ICD-10 qualifier
An X12 List of ICD Qualifiers has been posted to the Quick Links section of the Trading Partner Information page on the NCTracks Provider Portal at the link below. This list includes information to correctly populate the ICD Version on each type of X12 837 transaction as referenced in the Technical Report Type 3 (TR3). Trading Partners are encouraged to review the list in preparation for the upcoming implementation of ICD-10.