Updated version of 270-271 Companion Guide Now Available

An updated version of the 270-271 Companion Guide is now available on the Trading Partner Information page of the NCTracks Provider Portal. (See link below) Changes in this version include:

1. The qualifier in 2110C, EB04 that identifies Medicare Part C was corrected from "HM" to "HN."
2. The qualifier "HM" for in 2110C, EB04 was added to identify Carolina Access
3. The Plan Coverage Description for Sickle Cell was changed from "SICKL" to "SC" in Appendix A
4. The Description for ADAP was corrected from "AIDS HIV Drug Assistance Program" to "AIDS Drug Assistance Program" in Appendix A

All trading partners and providers who submit/receive 270-271 transactions from NCTracks are encouraged to review the changes documented in the companion guide.