Attention: Chiropractic and Podiatry Providers Training on PA for Chiropractic and Podiatry Services for MPW

Effective December 14, 2015, NCTracks will begin accepting Prior Approval (PA) requests for the authorization of chiropractic and podiatry services for medically necessary pregnancy-related services for recipients with Medicaid for Pregnant Women (MPW) coverage. Effective with date of service March 1, 2016, claims submitted for chiropractic or podiatry services for recipients with MPW coverage will deny if PA is not on file for the recipient.

Training for providers is available. A Medicaid for Pregnant Women Prior Approval course is being offered on December 11. This course will provide an explanation of the PA requirements for chiropractic and podiatry services for MPW recipients. The course is taught via WebEx and can be attended remotely from any location with a telephone, computer and internet connection.

For more information on the course, including how to register, see the November 24 training announcement.


For more information on the requirement for PA for Chiropractic and Podiatry Services for MPW recipients, see the December 3 announcement.