July 2021 Provider Training Now Available

Registration is open for the July 2021 instructor-led provider training courses listed below. Slots are limited. NCTracks Zoom courses can be attended remotely from any location with a computer and internet connection. Please note that as of Jan. 1, 2021, training will be conducted through Zoom; individualized meeting information has been created for each course. Please see the Training Enrollment Instructions section below for registration details.


Prior Approval Medical (Zoom) 

Tuesday, July 13, 2021, 9:30 a.m. - Noon  

This course shows authorized users how to electronically submit, inquire about and void prior approvals for different kinds of medical services. At the end of this training, authorized users will be able to:

  • Submit medical prior approval requests
  • Inquire about prior approvals
  • Void a prior approval


Meeting Information

Follow the steps below for audio and visual access to the Zoom online training sessions:

  1. Dial US Toll Free 833-568-8864
  2. Enter meeting ID 161 270 4694#
  3. Press the # key 
  4. Enter meeting passcode 6228645859#
  5. From an internet browser, enter the URL https://gdit.zoomgov.com/j/1612704694?pwd=OGJ1NXVyS0tBSENYVnpCQUptaVh2QT09  
  • Providers may choose to use the computer audio instead of dialing in


Submitting a Professional Claim (Zoom)

Tuesday, July 13, 2021, 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.  

This course will show authorized users how to submit professional (CMS-1500/837P) claims using the NCTracks web portal. The user will learn what they need to know to file a claim and how to easily navigate the claims entry screens. At the end of this training, authorized users will be able to:

  • Create a professional claim via the NCTracks web portal
  • Save a draft
  • Use the claims draft search
  • Submit a claim 
  • View results of a claim submission
  • Claim status and claim copy
  • Resubmit a claim
  • Void or replace prior claims


Meeting Information

Follow the steps below for audio and visual access to the Zoom online training sessions:

  1. Dial US Toll Free 833-568-8864
  2. Enter meeting ID 161 089 0671#
  3. Press the # key 
  4. Enter meeting passcode 4482441651#
  5. From an internet browser, enter the URL https://gdit.zoomgov.com/j/1610890671?pwd=Y3lydzJWY2kxMy81R09wSTdmeVRzUT09 
  • Providers may choose to use the computer audio instead of dialing in


New Office Administrator (Zoom)

Thursday, July 15, 2021, 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.  

This course describes the process for changing the current Office Administrator (OA) to a new Office Administrator for an Individual Provider or Organization with a National Provider Identification (NPI) number or Atypical Provider.

At the completion of training, you will be able to:

  • Update the Office Administrator for an 
  • Individual Provider
  • Organization
  • Upgrade existing Users to
  • Managing Relationships


Meeting Information

Follow the steps below for audio and visual access to the Zoom online training sessions:

  1. Dial US Toll Free 833-568-8864
  2. Enter meeting ID 161 087 9859#
  3. Press the # key 
  4. Enter meeting passcode 4928235035#
  5. From an internet browser, enter the URL https://gdit.zoomgov.com/j/1610879859?pwd=YTh1bWpYczFVUHFCeTVHN3V1UlJDZz09  
  • Providers may choose to use the computer audio instead of dialing in


Prior Approval Dental/Orthodontic (Zoom)

Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 9:30 a.m. – Noon  

This course shows authorized users how to electronically submit and inquire about prior approvals for dental procedures. At the end of this training, authorized users will be able to:

  • Submit dental prior approval requests
  • Inquire about prior approval requests


Meeting Information

Follow the steps below for audio and visual access to the Zoom online training sessions:

  1. Dial US Toll Free 833-568-8864
  2. Enter meeting ID 161 837 3881#
  3. Press the # key 
  4. Enter meeting passcode 5581925575#
  5. From an internet browser, enter the URL https://gdit.zoomgov.com/j/1618373881?pwd=V2ljSVphMlZsNHFoYWxkNzQyOTdWdz09 
  • Providers may choose to use the computer audio instead of dialing in


Submitting a Dental/Orthodontic Claim (Zoom)

Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.  

This course will show authorized users how to submit dental/orthodontic claims using the NCTracks web portal. Authorized users will learn what to file a claim and how to easily navigate the claims entry screens. At the end of this training, authorized users will be able to:

Create a dental claim via the NCTracks web portal

  • Save a claim Draft
  • Submit a claim 
  • Search claim status
  • Review claim status
  • Copy a claim
  • Void or replace a previous claim


Meeting Information

Follow the steps below for audio and visual access to the Zoom online training sessions:

  1. Dial US Toll Free 833-568-8864
  2. Enter meeting ID 160 802 0211#
  3. Press the # key 
  4. Enter meeting passcode 3009297331#
  5. From an internet browser, enter the URL https://gdit.zoomgov.com/j/1608020211?pwd=TmVDVGN4cFRlQkRlOG9ZbzhLT0NBdz09
  • Providers may choose to use the computer audio instead of dialing in


Prior Approval Dental/Orthodontic (Zoom)

Thursday, July 22, 2021, 9:30 a.m. – Noon 

This course shows authorized users how to electronically submit and inquire about prior approvals for dental procedures. At the end of this training, you will be able to:

  • Submit dental prior approval requests
  • Inquire about prior approval requests


Meeting Information

Follow the steps below for audio and visual access to the Zoom online training sessions:

Dial US Toll Free 833-568-8864

Enter meeting ID 161 122 6464#

Press the # key

Enter meeting passcode 4965416554#

Providers may choose to use the computer audio instead of dialing in



Submitting a Dental/Orthodontic Claim (Zoom)

Thursday, July 22, 2021, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.  

This course will provide instructions for authorized users to submit dental/orthodontic claims electronically in NCTracks. At the end of this training, the user will be able to:

  • Create a dental claim via the NCTracks web portal
  • Save a claim Draft
  • Submit a claim 
  • Search claim status
  • Review claim status
  • Copy a claim
  • Void or replace a previous claim


Meeting Information

Follow the steps below for audio and visual access to the Zoom online training sessions:

  1. Dial US Toll Free 833-568-8864
  2. Enter meeting ID 161 717 5202#
  3. Press the # key 
  4. Enter meeting passcode 0521911455#
  5. From an internet browser, enter the URL https://gdit.zoomgov.com/j/1617175202?pwd=c2J2SkJiYlhKRG5tczhnTWM0Rmc3QT09 
  • Providers may choose to use the computer audio instead of dialing in


Training Enrollment Instructions

Providers can register for these courses in SkillPort, the NCTracks Learning Management System. Log onto the secure NCTracks Provider Portal and click Provider Training to access SkillPort. Open the folder labeled Provider Computer-Based Training (CBT) and Instructor Led Training (ILT). The courses can be found in the sub-folder labeled ILTs: Remote via WebEx (although this is the sub-folder name, please note that, as previously mentioned, courses will now be conducted via Zoom and not WebEx).

Refer to the Provider User Guides & Training page of the public provider portal for specific instructions on how to use SkillPort. The Provider Training Tool Kits page also includes a quick reference regarding Java, which is required for the use of SkillPort.