Reminder of User Types and Roles in NCTracks
Provider records can have a variety of different user types that have varying levels of access and privileges in NCTracks. The following user types are explained by their roles and functionalities. Reviewing these roles may help you better understand user provisioning and management when making changes to your provider record.
Office Administrators (OAs):
The OA is required to complete provider enrollment and can make major updates to the provider record, including all enrollment actions (such as submitting a manage change request (MCR), re-verification application, etc. on behalf of the provider). There is one OA per NPI, but an OA can be associated with multiple NPIs.
The OA also has the sole responsibility of signing enrollment applications, submitting Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) updates, and assigning the enrollment specialist (ES) user role to a user. For organizational providers, the office administrator must be listed on the record as an owner or a managing employee, and for individual providers, the office administrator can be the individual provider or must be listed as a managing employee.
Highlights of the OA role include:
- Ability to submit applications on behalf of the provider
- Ability to add, maintain and delete user administrators, general users, managing relationship (MR) users and enrollment specialists. The OA can designate Access Rights/Roles* which allow users to have access to certain functions on the provider record
- Can add and edit User Groups (provisioning)
- Resources: webpage and FAQ
Note: changing the OA will require an NPI Authorization Code Request
User Administrators:
User administrators (UAs) are designated by the OA. They are not required for provider enrollment, but they can assign roles and Access Rights (add, maintain, and delete general users). They also have Access Rights/Roles* as designated by the OA.
General Users:
These users typically have system access for functions such as checking eligibility, submitting claims and consent forms, etc. General users cannot add other users. General users are assigned Access Rights/Roles* for the duties they have access to perform.
Managing Relationship (MR) Users (must also be designated as a User Administrator or a General User):
MRs are users related to an NPI (as designated on an application by OA) such as owners, providers, or managing employees.
- In addition to the OA, MR Users have the ability to complete and submit application processes on behalf of the provider
- They also have Access Rights/Roles * as designated by the OA or UA
Enrollment Specialist (can be a User Administrator or a General User):
An enrollment specialist can complete, but not submit, applications on behalf of the provider (they must send the application to the OA to sign and complete the application).
When an OA assigns this role to a user, they will be able to:
- Complete initial enrollment, re-enrollment, re-verification, maintain eligibility and MCR applications on behalf of an office administrator. The user will only be able to complete the application; however, they will not be able to electronically sign and submit the application
- Complete and submit abbreviated MCR applications (except the abbreviated EFT application) on behalf of the OA
The User Management page in the secure NCTracks portal allows the OA or a UA to view, add, edit, or deactivate provisioned users.
Users may also filter by active users to review all currently active roles for that profile. The OA/UA must remove any users that are no longer associated with the provider record.
* Access Rights/Roles
These may be assigned to users:
Check Recipient Eligibility - Submit Eligibility
Claims User - Claims Batch
Claims User-Verify Patient, Claims Status Search
Search for Procedure Codes
DME/O&P Service History
Eligibility User - Inquiry
Eligibility Batch User - Verify and Verify Results
Enrollment Specialist
EVV History Search
Eyeglass Service History
Payment History
Physician Fluoride Varnish Limitation
Prior Approval Submit
PA User-Request Inquiry, Approval Status
Referrals User-Referral Entry and Inquiry
Refraction Confirmation
Remittance User
Training - Training access
Prescribing Provider
Supervisor Access - All Access