Provider Re-credentialing/Re-verification FAQs
This list reflects answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding Provider re-credentialing/re-verification.
1. What is the re-credentialing/re-verification process?
Re-credentialing is sometimes referred to as re-verification or re-validation. These words are used interchangeably. This process is required every five years. As part of this process, the provider’s credentials and qualifications will be evaluated to ensure they meet the professional requirements and are in good standing. The re-verification process also includes a criminal background check on all owners and managing relationships associated with this provider record.
Effective Jan. 9, 2022, NCTracks will no longer require Medicaid providers to pay the $100 NC application fee with enrollment and re-verification applications. This change is made pursuant to NC Senate Bill 105 Session Law 2021-180 Section 9D.9(a), which waives the fee until June 30, 2023. For more information, please see the announcement.
Providers may be required to complete fingerprinting, a site visit and the federal fee (application fees by year may be found in the spreadsheet Federal Fees & NC Enrollment Fees by Year located under Quick links on the Provider Enrollment page) depending on their risk level (please see the Provider Permission Matrix under Quick Links on the Provider Enrollment page to determine whether it is a requirement). Providers will receive a re-credentialing/re-verification letter, or an invitation via their NCTracks secure portal in-box, when they are scheduled to begin the re-verification process. This process is completed in the Status and Management section, directly below the Manage Change Request application under the section titled Re-verification. A re-verification application will appear when it is time to reverify. Until then, the Re-verification section will read No Data to Display.
2. Do I have to submit an MCR to update my accreditations before submitting my re-verification application?
Effective April 29, 2018, making updates to owners’ and managing employees’ information (address, phone number, and/or email) is incorporated into the re-verification application process. Therefore, there is no need to submit an MCR to update these records before beginning the re-verification application. Any other updates (accreditations, licenses, certifications, etc.) need to be completed through an MCR.
Please also note that the due date for the re-verification application will not be extended if the provider has an MCR (for any update) in review — therefore, if it is close to the time to re-verify, it is advised not to begin an MCR, but instead complete accreditation/license/certification record changes after the re-verification application has been completed for simpler and more efficient processing that will allow the application to be submitted before the due date.
3. When do I have to submit my re-verification application by to avoid suspension or termination?
Providers will be notified of the due date to submit their re-verification application to avoid suspension. Effective April 29, 2018, providers are allowed 70 days to submit and avoid suspension instead of 45 days. If suspended for failure to complete re-verification, the provider will be notified of the date they must submit by to avoid termination.
4. Who is required to complete the re-credentialing/re-verification process?
All actively enrolled Individual Providers and Organizations/Atypical Organizations with the exception of providers enrolled with a Department of Mental Health (DMH)-only health plan are required to complete the re-credentialing/re-verification process. All providers that were enrolled by the LME/MCO, and re-credentialing does not apply to any time-limited enrolled providers such as out-of-state (OOS) providers. OOS providers must continue to complete the enrollment process every 365 days.
5. How long will the re-credentialing application take to be completed?
Processing time may vary depending on if additional information is required. You will be contacted if additional information is needed.
6. How long do I have to update my accreditations/credentials/licenses?
Providers must update their expiring licenses, certifications and accreditations through a manage change request (MCR) if their records are not up-to-date. The system suspends and terminates providers who fail to respond within the specified time limits for accreditations/credentials/licenses updates as well.
Effective April 29, 2018, provider notifications to renew or update licensure, accreditation and/or certification are sent 60 days prior to the date of expiration of the license, certification or accreditation on file. If the provider fails to renew update by the expiration date, the provider’s participation will be suspended for 60 days.
If the provider fails to renew during the 60-day suspension period, the taxonomy code(s) for which the license is required is terminated. Please note that if the license number on file (printed on the letter) is correct, and it is a NC Medical Board MD/PA/AA license, it will be updated automatically. Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) certifications will also be updated automatically. Licenses, certifications and accreditations must be up-to-date to complete a re-verification/re-credentialing application.
Also, effective Aug. 9, 2020, all individual providers (excluding disaster relief and Out-of-State Lite providers) are required to complete the additional questions on the new Provider Supplemental Information page during enrollment, re-enrollment and re-verification applications.
No action is required for currently enrolled providers until their re-verification is due. Providers will be required to supply the new information at re-verification. In addition, certifications and accreditations can be added at any time using the MCR process.
7. How much does it cost to complete a re-verification application and/or update licenses, certifications, and accreditations?
Effective Jan. 9, 2022, NCTracks will no longer require Medicaid providers to pay the $100 NC application fee with enrollment and re-verification applications. This change is made pursuant to NC Senate Bill 105 Session Law 2021-180 Section 9D.9(a), which waives the fee until June 30, 2023. For more information, please see the announcement.
Providers also may be required to complete fingerprinting, a site visit and the federal fee (application fees by year may be found in the spreadsheet Federal Fees & NC Enrollment Fees by Year located under Quick links on the Provider Enrollment page) depending on their risk level (please see the Provider Permission Matrix under Quick Links on the Provider Enrollment page to determine whether it is a requirement). There is no fee to submit an MCR to update licenses, certifications and accreditations.
8. If my application is denied, abandoned, or withdrawn, will my $100 NC application fee be returned?
This is a non-refundable fee.
9. If my application is denied, abandoned, or withdrawn, will my federal fee be returned? Will I have to complete another federal site visit?
The federal fee is a non-refundable fee. However, if a provider has paid the federal fee on a previous application and/or completed a federal site visit but that application was withdrawn, abandoned, or denied, they may be able to avoid doing so again when submitting a new/second application. Providers should indicate they have already paid the fee and/or completed the site visit following the process of providing adequate proof outlined below.
On the new application, when you are presented with the question, “Have you paid the Federal fee for this site to another state or Medicare?” you must do the following:
- Select “Other State”
- Select “North Carolina” from the State drop down menu
- Attach the federal fee payment confirmation from the previous application
On the new application, when you are presented with the question, “Have you completed the Federal site visit for this site to another state or Medicare?” you must do the following:
- Select “Other State”
- Select “North Carolina” from the State drop down menu
- Attach a statement identifying the previously denied, withdrawn, or abandoned application’s NPI and application submission date, including the reference number if available
Please note: If the confirmation of the completed and passed Federal site visit or statement is not uploaded with the new application submission, the application will be deemed incomplete for 30 days. If the required information is not received within 30 days of the incomplete notice, the application will be abandoned.
10. If I am a newly enrolled provider will I have to complete the re-verification application?
A newly enrolled provider will not have to complete a re-credentialing/re-verification application for five years.
11. Can anyone in the office complete the re-verification application?
An office administrator (OA) or someone who has been designated as the Enrollment Specialist (ES) for the provider can complete the re-verification.
12. What happens if I get terminated?
You will be required to submit a re-enrollment application if you wish to continue to render services with NC Medicaid.
13. When I attempted to submit my re-verification application, it would not submit and routed me to the MCR application; why is this?
If there are any expiring accreditations, licenses, and/or certifications on the provider record, providers will be prompted to update this information via a MCR prior to completing the re-verification application. Once the MCR has been completed and approved, then the provider will be able access and submit a re-verification application. Effective April 29, 2018, the only exception to this is updating owners’ and managing employees’ information (address, phone number, email). Updating these records is incorporated into the re-verification application process so that providers are able to do it during the application without submitting an MCR to update these records beforehand.
Please note that in accordance with this, re-verification due dates will not be extended if an MCR is in review. Therefore, submitting an MCR (for any update) prior to re-verification will decrease the time left to complete the application before its due date, as you cannot access a re-verification application while an MCR is being processed.
14. I am attempting to complete the re-verification application; however it will not allow me to access it because a MCR is currently in review; Will I be suspended due to this?
Providers are unable to access re-verification applications when an MCR is in review. Therefore, it is important to note the re-verification due date prior to submitting an MCR. Please note that effective April 29, 2018, updates to owners’ and managing employees’ information (address, phone number, email) are incorporated into the re-verification application process, so no MCR to update these records is necessary prior to re-verification. Providers are advised not to submit an MCR (for any update) close to the time for re-verification, as these updates can be made during the application process. Submitting an MCR prior to re-verification will decrease the time left to complete the application before its due date, as you cannot access a re-verification application while an MCR is being processed.
15. Will I be able to continue to bill and receive payment if I have submitted my re-verification by the due date but it is showing in a review status?
Yes, as long as you are currently “active” and have an MCR in review status, you may continue to bill and receive payment for claims submitted.
16. Who do I contact if I have questions?
You may submit your question to the NCTracks Call center by Email or you may call the NCTracks Call Center Toll Free Number 1-800-688-6696.
17. What is the title of the message when the Re-credentialing letter posts to the Message Center Inbox?
Effective April 29, 2018, subject lines for many enrollment-related letters in the provider Message Center Inbox display the description of the letter instead of the number ID. The number ID for a re-credentialing letter is PM16000-R0053, with the description “Re-verification Letter”.
18. What happened to the draft application that I had saved in Status Management?
Enrollment, re-enrollment and/or re-verification applications in draft may be periodically deleted due to system updates required to complete changes in NCTracks. Providers are notified in advance of these instances so they may complete their draft application before the update.
19. What kind of new information/questions are now required in individual provider applications?
New information required for individual providers effective Aug. 9, 2020 includes:
- Highest level of education
- Health care-related work history (past five years, and if there is more than six-month gap, explanation of gap written, signed and uploaded)
20. What do I have to do as a result of the newly required individual provider enrollment information if I am already currently enrolled with NC Medicaid?
This new information will be required in initial enrollment, re-enrollment and re-verification applications for individual providers (excluding disaster relief and Out-of-State Lite providers) effective Aug. 9, 2020. Currently enrolled providers are not required to supply this information until a re-enrollment or re-verification application is submitted. For a complete overview of the changes, please see the link under Resources at the top right of this page.
21. How will I know if additional information is required to process my application?
If insufficient information is provided by the individual provider or in NCTracks’ background verification, a request for supporting documentation will be sent to the provider.
22. How do I submit documents requested in the individual provider application?
The Upload Documents page will allow the provider to upload supporting documentation if necessary, such as copies of certifications. However, official school transcripts should not be uploaded to the Upload Documents page. If applicable, the provider will be contacted with instructions on where to send the documentation.
23. How do I submit my transcript?
If requested by NCTracks, instructions will be included in the request for additional information.
24. What happens if my re-verification application is denied?
If your re-verification is denied due to a negative background finding, failure to complete fingerprinting, bad data, or expired credentials (license/accreditation/certification per the Provider Permission Matrix), all NC DHHS health plans will be terminated.
25. What happens if my name on the re-verification application does not match the NPPES Registry, license, certification, and/or accreditation?
The provider name listed on applications for re-verification must match their legal name, name on the NPPES Registry, and their name on any license, certification, and/or accreditation.
Providers can check their listed NPPES name at:
If the name does not match, do NOT submit the application. Instead send an email to with required documentation attached. See chart on this page:
26. How much time do I have to complete the re-credentialing process?
A provider is given 70 days from the initial notification date to complete the re-verification. Providers who act promptly upon receiving the notice have ample time to resubmit if their application is denied (unless as indicated below), withdrawn, or abandoned.
Do not wait to submit. Take advantage of the 70-day timeframe given to ensure completion without adverse action.
The Reverification must be completed, and applicable fees paid, by or before 5pm on the due date; otherwise, the provider record will be suspended, and claims will pend. The provider will receive a suspension letter via regular mail to the correspondence address on record as well as via the NCTracks message center.
Providers must understand the risk of delaying submission.
Corrections cannot be made to any application once submitted, so any errors or omissions in a reverification application can result in the application being abandoned, denied or withdrawn. Providers who have responded promptly to the reverification notice will have ample time to re-submit. Providers are advised against waiting until a suspension has been placed on the record to submit the reverification, because at the point of suspension, the reverification due date has passed. Any submission beyond that date is delinquent and places the provider at risk of termination. After the suspension date, if a reverification application contains errors or omissions that result in the application being abandoned, denied or withdrawn, the provider’s NCTracks enrollment record automatically terminates. Re-enrollment is required to continue participation in DHHS programs.
27. What happens if I don't complete the re-credentialing application?
Your enrollment with all NC Department of Health and Human Service (NC DHHS) health plans will be terminated, and you will be required to submit a re-enrollment application if you wish to continue to render services for any NC DHHS plan, including NC Medicaid, Department of Public Health, Office of Rural Health, or Division of Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities/Substance Use services.