Attention: County DSS Offices Change in NEMT PA Record Requirements

The N.C. Division of Medical Assistance (DMA) has made a change in the requirements for Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) Prior Approval (PA) records (also referred to as Payment Authorizations) received from the County DSS Offices. Currently, NEMT PA requests may be for a span of dates in a single record.

Effective March 12, NEMT PA requests must be for a single day. Spans of dates in NEMT PA records will no longer be accepted. The begin and end dates in the NEMT PA record must be the same. If the begin and end dates in the NEMT PA record are not the same, an edit will post with the new reject code of C1, which will be reflected in the Response folder in the Batch Transfer mailbox for the County DSS (where the PA file was uploaded).