Updates to Training Materials for State Operations Users

As a result of CSRs 1257 and 1643, updates have been made to several training materials for State Operations Users.

CSR 1257 adds Federal Poverty Level (FPL) Percent Amount to each Eligibility Span. The FPL% is a beneficiary’s percentage of income to the FPL.

This CSR is bundled with 1643 which now displays a new three-digit Coverage Category Code for MAGI (Modified Adjusted Gross Income) cases on the Recipient Eligibility File. Coverage Category Code will allow the State to identify all Family & Children’s Medicaid cases except Medically Needy, Breast and Cervical Cancer Medicaid (BCCM), Medicaid Infants and Children (MIC-L), Medicaid for Pregnant Women (MPW), and Title IV-E Adoption Subsidy (IAS) beneficiaries whose eligibility is determined using MAGI rules.

The State Operations Users training materials updated as a result of these changes include:

CBT - RCP111 Recipient Eligibility Enrollment
PUG - RCP121pg_Recipient Search_Update Participant User Guide
CBT - TPL131 Processing Medicare BuyIn

State Operations Users can register for these courses in SkillPort. Logon to the secure NCTracks Operations Portal and click the Other tab to select "Learning Management System" from the drop down list. Once in SkillPort, select State Operations Training in the Catalog and open the appropriate folder based on the type of training material. (Refer to the Quick Links on the public Operations Portal home page for detailed instructions on how to use SkillPort.)